Year in Review – 2024
2024 Theme
- Let it go!
2024 Focus
- Health: Lower Stress, Continued Running/Exercise, Good eating
- Fun: Hobbies, vacation, just fun
- $$: Savings Goals
Look for the Joy.
- Health: Quite good exercise routines with running and a decent of tennis. Can improve eating and drinking, basically food intake.
- Fun: Didn’t sail at all, unfortunately. Did though create a hobby of astrophotography with the amazing Seestar S50. Did quite a bit of private travel which was OK. Very little business travel, only one trip.
- $: Spent a lot of money including a kids’ car and other things, furniture, travel, etc. Did not meet goals.
17 Life-Learnings from 17 Years of The Marginalian
Year in Review – 2023
An image of storm clouds seems appropriate. 2023 is a year that quite a few members of our families would like to forget.
- I got a promotion at work.
- Had some successes at work, but also some disappointments. It’s going to be a very difficult year at work in 2024. Will have to see if that includes looking or at least browsing for other opportunities.
- Generally, a fun and quick trip to Australia in Q1 – time to hang out with Mum.
- Two work trips to Germany, though one with a transfer disaster through Iceland.
- Generally kept up with running. Didn’t quite hit goals but 80% to 90% was OK given the year we had.
- Did some sailing and got the basic ASA 101 keelboat certification again.
- Started a website about AI, AI Builder Academy, and completed some online training courses.
- Lost my Mum.
- Lost father-in-law and Aunt.
Of course, nothing else compares to this. Other lowlights, though more trivial were no family vacation and less trivial, generally too much work and stress in my life.
Moving Forward
A few focus points for 2024:
- Slower, less work, less stress
- Better eating/drinking
- Hobbies and fun!
- Family Vacation!
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